Tuesday, August 25, 2009

27 weeks 3 days

Hey guys! Well here is an updated picture of me... growing by the day... yikes! I will be 7 months on Saturday and looking forward to it. I haven't been working out, I've been eating ballpark food, and taking naps whenever I want... so I am starting to gain more weight then I wanted. Oh well I'll work it all off after I have this lil trouble maker... I'll be a hott skinny mom in no time. Miss all of you and CAN'T WAIT TO COME BACK TO CALIFORNIA! Ahhhhhh my nice coffee maker, our orange tree, all of our wedding gifts, Fiesta Ware, homemade Tapatio popcorn, Castillo's restaurant, my birthday, HALLOWEEN, baby showers, The Big Fresno Fair, Oct 11th (Star Wars concert w/ Ryan) our own couches, big TV's, CSI Las Vegas (the new season) cooking thru my cook books and family & friends... and Tipp!


  1. Lookin good, mama! Don't listen to the scale- it's evil. haha. Not to mention, you look like you're all baby! Love your bump! (And your shorts, too!)
