Monday, July 13, 2009

21 weeks (5 months 1 week & 1 day)

Bonjour! So we are doing well and are still getting use to the fact that we are having a girl. I am sure Ryan is a little scared that she will be odd just like me. Ha ha! I am officially 21 weeks along and our baby is getting bigger and kicking more and more every day! This week our baby's taste buds and senses are improving... I think she likes the cookies and cream ice cream that I just ate. Her bones are starting to harden and her uterus and fallopian tubes are all in place. Our lil bean is about 7 inches long (the size of a carrot) and her eyebrows, eyelashes, and the hair on her head are already visible. Other then that things are great and we should be leaving Bristol Palin Tennessee/Virginia by the end of the week. Wherever we go I hope they have Round Table!

My pregnant pose

21 weeks

Monday, July 6, 2009


Yeah its a girl! 5 months and 1 day
Baby with her sexy legs crossed
3D picture of her face
Profile picture
Legs open and her lil butt.... Its a GIRL!

Its a GIRL

Here is the video of our ultrasound that we had today. When the screen splits into 2, the Ultrasound Tech is taking a photo of certain parts and explaining what is going on in that area. Luckily our "little girl" cooperated and showed us that she was a "girl" right off the bat so we didn't have to wait too long for the good news. Oh the baby is healthy, active, and weighs 13 oz and is about the size of a banana. By the way the baby misses Michael Jackson... oh wait... that's Ryan! The doctors visit went well... besides our 3 hour wait, my full bladder, and my starving stomach.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jason tells all!

Our nephew Jason told us an interesting story about what happened to him at our wedding reception. He is ratting out our niece Abby. So funny!

Me 19 weeks & 5 days