Sunday, September 20, 2009

The countdown begins

So the official countdown begins... we are at single digits now! 8 weeks and 6 days left until our lil Mexican Jumping Bean comes! At this point I am going to the doctor every two weeks and should be gaining 1lb a week as the baby gains 1/2 lb a week. We'll see how close to 2 lbs every 2 weeks I can get. At this point of the pregnancy she is about 16 inches long and about 3 1/2 lbs and is heading into a growth spurt. Pretty much all of her organs are fully developed minus her lungs which get closer each day to being ready to breathe real air. She is starting to put on fat and plumping out. Every week, more like every few days I can tell she's getting larger and stronger as her kicks and punches happen more frequently and are a lot harder! My glucose (diabetes) results finally came back and we passed with flying colors. My iron is a little low though, this baby is sucking everything out of me. A high percentage of pregnant women become anemic... so I am just taking a daily iron pill and feeling great. I think it did give me a little more pep in my step. Don't come over because I'll crack my whip and put you to work! Ha ha just ask Ryan, Mom, and especially Dad. Our house is finally coming along and we are still working on cleaning out the nursery. Other then that things are great... we're glad to be home and I can't wait to have some baby showers!

31 weeks & 1 day
Thanks for all the clothes Laz!!!!!


  1. Oh my gosh, it'll fly by! (Until the last Love your dress! Can't beat borrowing clothes. :)
